10 Celebrities with Ectomorph Body Types & Their Fitness Regime

Celebrities with Ectomorph body types are often thought to have an easy time staying skinny. However, this isn’t always the case. Many of them have to work hard to maintain their weight, and some even struggle to gain weight.

Celebrities with Ectomorph Body Types

10 Celebrities with Ectomorph Body Types

Who has the Ectomorph body types among celebrities? What kind of fitness regime do they do to keep their appearances? Find out in this article.

1. Kate Moss

Celebrities with Ectomorph Body Types

Kate Moss was the queen of her era. After her name rose in the early 90s, she continued to climb up the ladder by modeling. She eventually grabs the title of one of the “Sexiest women of 1999” and “Top-earning models 2009”.

Moss has a petite nature with long legs and a slight waist. However, it was a pure gene. Moss admits that she had no workout routine when she was younger. Instead, she says she was “so thin” and had a poor diet. Now, she is building healthy habits and gaining quite a few muscles.

2. Natalie Portman

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“Lean and dainty” might be the best way to describe Natalie Portman’s body. The actress has always been on the delicate side, which is part of her charm. Therefore, many feel shocked upon seeing her muscly and strong figure as Mighty Thor in the movie “Thor: Love & Thunder.”

Despite the role, Portman has a strict training regime to keep her body in check. Her routine includes yoga, an hour of jogging, and weightlifting. She also does hiking and 5-mile bike riding once a week. Aside from that, she commits to eating only organic products and avoiding meat and its byproducts.

3. Taylor Swift

Female Ectomorph Celebrity

Another female ectomorph celebrity that is also full of talent is Taylor Swift. The singer is famous not only for her beautiful voice but also for her long and slim figure. She is considered tall among her peers, yet she gives off an airy vibe that lets her move elegantly.

Swift usually dabbles between cardio, stretching, and bodyweight. She was often seen visiting Body by Simone, where she gets dance-based cardio. She also does yoga-like stretches and running. For her diet, she applies mindful eating, which allows her to eat junk food while keeping a balanced diet.

4.  Kate Middleton

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Although the Duchess of Cambridge always uses modest clothing, many can see how she has a toned body figure. She has a straight yet slightly curvy waist and broad shoulders, giving off a healthy vibe.

Despite her busy activities as part of the royal family, she can always slip in training time. Among many sports, The Duchess likes doing tennis and CrossFit. Moreover, she also does running, yoga, and weightlifting. People see how she stays fit despite giving birth to three children.


5.  Cameron Diaz

Female With Ectomorph Body Type

Female with ectomorph body type tends to have rectangular-shaped figure, and that description fits Cameron Diaz very well. Although not particularly curvy, her lean body is slightly curvy, making her seem strong yet graceful.

Diaz carries on a strict workout routine to ensure her body stays that way. Her regime varies from bodyweight, intensive training, and running. Moreover, she also fancies golfing and doing various water sports.

6.  Matthew McConaughey

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Matthew McConaughey is not particularly muscular. However, he has a lean and firm body, a well-built upper part, and a slim waist. So, it is not strange that the actor is often given a role where he has to show off his body.

To keep track of his body shape, he chooses to do some movements that work several muscles and joints at once. For example, dumble squat and lunges. He also focuses on stability movements, such as ball leg curls and plank with leg lift. Within a week, he only has one day for resting period.

7. Bradley Cooper

Male Ectomorph Celebrities

Another one to add to the list of well-built male ectomorph celebrities is Bradley Cooper. His body is probably the most popular when it comes to fitness tips and examples. The fact that he has ripped abs without being too muscular has become an inspiration for many.

Although it seems easy to get a defined torso just like his, thorough planning of a fitness regime is required. This includes intense weight training and squats. Moreover, for the abs, he also does some core training.

8.  Michael Phelps

Ectomorph Athlete

Most of the time, ectomorph athletes dabble in a sport requiring complete muscle movement, such as swimming. That is why most swimmers usually have a lean body, au natural. And Michael Phelps is one good example of it.

Due to the years of swimming, Phelps’ body is long, both on the upper and lower part. However, he also has equally built-up muscles in both parts, resulting in a ‘balanced’ look. Phelps practices swimming for five to six hours every day and six days a week to keep his appearance.

9. Tobey Maguire

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Tobey Maguire might not be the first person to come to mind if you are looking for body shape inspiration. However, after Tobey acts as Spider-Man, numerous people are curious about how to be as ripped as him. While Maguire is not on the thin side, he is not too buffy either.

According to the man himself, Maguire does a lot of training before getting the role. He dabbles himself in weight training and even martial arts. He works out for four hours, six days a week. She gets his trainer and can keep his appearance to get his motivation ablaze.

10. Brad Pitt

Male Ectomorph Celebrities

If anyone deserves the title of “Sexiest man alive,” it is Brad Pitt. The actor of Fight Club is known for his manly and sexy charm. Even now, in his late 50s, Pitt makes sure that he still looks his best on screen.

His workout routine mainly focuses on getting stronger and bigger, though not too much. Usually, he does weight training such as pull-downs, push-ups, and squats. More importantly, he also pays attention to what he eats. He admits that he does calorie intake and eats veggies a lot.

Celebrities with ectomorph body types can be a great inspiration to those aiming to start their fitness regime. However, consult the professional beforehand, as each person has a different need regarding their body.

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