Top 10 Strongest Invincible Characters

Strongest Invincible Characters

Invincible has become one of the most popular comics and most-watched series on the streaming platforms. While each hero has a different ability, there is always a reason why a specific character is stronger than others. So, here are the strongest Invincible characters of all time.

1. Omni Man

Is Omni Man The Strongest Character In Invincible

Is Omni Man the strongest character in the Invincible series? Well, you can put it like that because Omni Man can be the Guardians of the Globe without breaking a sweat.

Even though he was not the most peaceful protector of the Earth, Omni Man has shown how a strong hero should be. For instance, it took someone to invest 4 billion dollars to scratch his body – it caused him a nosebleed.

Other than that, Omni Man was in charge of stopping a meteor and taking down the guardians in the first place. So, he is simply one of the strongest characters in the comic and series.

2. Invincible

Best Invincible Characters

Mark Grayson or Invincible can be touted as one of the best Invincible characters – it is impossible not to include the leading actor on this list. He initially had no power at all, and then he became one of the most powerful heroes in this universe.

Generally, Mark Grayson is half Viltrumite. However, he still runs various examinations and tests to adjust his strength. The most memorable battles he’s been in were with Battle Beast and his father, Omni man.

For now, Omni Man might be the strongest character. However, if Invincible has polished and boosted his limitless potential, he could take over his father.

3. Atom Eve

Strongest Female in Invincible

Atom Eve comes with a set of powerful strengths. She can manipulate every little thing up to the atom level, which makes Atom Eve unbeatable from time to time.

She can even create shields and increase her strength effortlessly. She can also manipulate her surroundings, such as erasing a door, building a house, and many more. She is like Marvel’s Wanda Maximoff, who can fly and turn anything she wants through a touch.

4. War Woman

Strongest Invincible Characters 4

It is unfair not to include War Woman in the top 5 strongest Invincible characters. This powerful lady comes with a strong ability to handle many battles. Besides that, she has a significant amount of strength that is impossible to ignore.

War Woman has the quality of the Amazonian, which is relatively unwavering in many ways. Compared to other guardians, War Woman with Red Rush and The Immortal are among the characters who can challenge Omni Man a little bit.

5. Battle Beast

Strongest Invincible Characters

Even though he didn’t get much screen time, Battle Beast is still one of the most powerful individuals in the Invincible galaxy. He mercilessly beat several characters, such as Black Samson, Monster Girl, and Invincible.

Judging from his appearance, Battle Beast doesn’t need to break a sweat to take the guardians, Titan and Invincible.

6. The Immortal

Who Is The Strongest Invincible Character

Who is the strongest Invincible character? Other than Omni Man, you can say that The Immortal is one of those strongest characters in this series. He could toss around The Mauler Twins without breaking a sweat at all.

Also, as mentioned earlier, he could cause some challenges to Omni Man after he worked with War Woman and Red Rush. However, Omni Man killed The Immortal brutally.

There is still a chance that The Immortal will come back to life, considering he did that before and succeeded.

7. Cecil Stedman

Smartest Character In Invincible

Cecil Stedman is simply the smartest character in Invincible. He can lead the entire division of the government effortlessly.  Other than that, he can turn the enemy’s attack into his strength – not many characters in this series could do that.

Cecil Stedman can also teleport worldwide and summon an army of zombies. There might be more skills he could show the fans in the future.

8. Robot

Strongest Invincible Characters 8

As the character’s name suggests, Robot is a Robot, even though the appearance doesn’t appear like robots in general. He was introduced as a tactical leader. He was in charge of leading the Teen Team.

On the other hand, the impression of “Robot” was quite mechanical and strategist – no emotions can be involved. However, as he grows and evolves, the Robot becomes very human.

Later, he got a new body that made him a powerful teenager. He should’ve been 30 years old, after all.

9. Titan

Top 10 Strongest Invincible Characters

Titan is also part of the top 10 strongest Invincible characters ever made. He was introduced as a lowly intimidator by the lord Machine Head. However, Invincible can bring him down effortlessly.

Yet, Titan still has that impressive power other characters don’t have. Later in the series, Titan got help from Invincible and other guardians to drag down the Machine Head criminal chain in the city. All in all, Titan is a sweet combination of physical strength, rich resources, and newly gained influence.

10. Anissa

Strongest Invincible Characters 10

Viltrumites appear to be expanded, and Anissa is one of the members. She has terrifying power that could stand out when Omni Man was brutally vanishing everything in front of him.

Anissa was introduced as a character who will bring Mark to the Viltrumite Empire. While she seems tough and handles Omni Man well, she is quite chill. Also, Anissa overpowered Invincible, but she never broke any sweat. Anissa was also rarely pushing her limit to handle the enemies.


Most Powerful Invincible Characters

Grand Regent Thragg is undoubtedly one of the most powerful Invincible characters when it comes to Viltrumite. He claimed that he rules the entire Viltrumites even since the beginning of the series.

Thragg knows how much he has to do to maintain his position, and of course, he shows why he is still the strongest in the galaxy. Yet, he had to fight Battle Beast for days and got the victory.

Thragg also won three battles against Omni Man and beat him to death – Invincible couldn’t even take him down on his own. Then, one day, with the help of Robot and other external factors, Invincible could defeat Thragg for the first time – it was quite dramatic, though.

That’s a wrap – this is everything you need to know about the strongest Invincible characters. Which one is your favorite?

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